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Thursday, 17 February 2011

Evaluation Part 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this project?
Whilst constructing this product I have learnt allot about technology that i needed to use. For example it is very hard and complicated to use, you have to take time to understand it before you can actually begin to edit using the new software. Some of the technology i have used are Final cut express, Facebook, Livetype and survey monkey. Each one of these technologies played a significant part of producing this project.

Survey Monkey


Final Cut Express

Live Type

The images above are images of me using the different technologies and websites to construct my project. The 1st of the 4 i used was survey monkey and I used this website to take a survey in order to find out what my audience would be. Once I created the survey I posted it all over facebook and asked friends to take the survey to get a much larger range of opinions on what people like. Once i found what was most popular i could them plan and shoot my film. After filming i used the 3rd technology (Final Cut Express) to edit the footage from what we had film. Once adding,cutting and adding affects in the correct order i added the audio to complete the film. My last task was to use the last piece of software which was Live Type to create the titles of the film and then import them into Final Cut Express. These are the software that we used in order to create our thriller now I am going to show you the hardware that we used.

Video Camera.

Blackberry Mobile Phone.

Apple Mac Desktop Pc.

One of the first hardware that we were introduced to during the creation of our thriller is the video camera. We was given as tape, a camera, knowledge of how to use it and sent off out to record our thrillers. The camera that we had to use was not HD hence the poor quality of our output. The second hardware was our very own mobile phones. These were used admittedly both in class and after school to arrange meet ups, when we can film and how we will film the thriller when we got there. Other uses were making notes, alarms to help us meet on time and of course the common camera on the phone to take images of where we was going to film or other possible locations. The main piece of hardware that was used was the Apple Mac, located in our schools Apple Mac room. This is what we did the majority of our editing and blogging on. It contains all of the software above that I have discussed previously. 

I have learnt from this how to organise myself in away that I can get such a huge work load accomplished. All my work was complete ahead of the dead line and I believe it was up to standard and if not it was above standard. The skills that I have obtained is how to use the camera in various ways to best portray different scenarios. I have learned how to upload and edit our footage from a digital camera and then upload that to Youtube which is another website they we used to show our product to everyone that wished to see it.

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