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Monday, 13 December 2010

Sabotage Analysis

Today in media studies my class and I had to watch an extract from the film know as sabotage. The film was made in 1936. The film is a British film that was also released as "The Women Alone", being directed by the master of suspense or Alfred Joseph Hitchcock the film has a great deal of suspense. The extract from the film that we watched contained a great deal of suspense. 

The opening of the scene we watched we see a package being delivered to a man. Inside that package is a bomb. From this we get the idea that the guy the package was delivered to is a terrorist. The guy puts the bomb in a film canister and tells his wife's son to deliver the film canister to a cinema. The bomb is due to go off at 1:45pm, this is the main part where suspense is used. The suspense is that the bomb is going to go off but because the child doodles to the cinema. This creates a whole lot of suspense as we know its a bomb and are wondering what is going to happen, will it blow up? or will it be delivered as it should to blow up a cinema?
On the way to the cinema the boy is stopped and pursponed by a salesman and whilst the salesman does his speech the frame is focused onto the bomb and music is played. The music that is used is parallel because it almost sounds like a bomb ticking which is relevant because bombs tick. 

At one point the bomb is very faint and almost transparent as a dissolve affect is created and gears are shown underneath. This part is done to show that the bomb is constantly ticking. The next scene is when the boy gets on a bus and is told he shouldn't be really travelling on the bus. This is because film was very flammable and explosive back in 1936. However he is allowed to take his journey on the bus. Throughout the bus journey clocks are shown again and again to show that the time is getting on. The time comes close to 1:45 and the music increases its pace, this is once again parallel as it suites the high tension moment. Eventually because the boy doodles the bomb explodes destroying the bus and all of its occupants.

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